Wildfire Risk Reduction

Wildfire is a serious concern for all the residents of the Gulf Islands, human and non-human alike. And while wildfires are a vital part of our ecosystems, recycling nutrients and rejuvenating landscapes, they cannot be allowed in populated areas. This fire suppression has led to a build-up of dead woody material and other wildfire fuels.

Coast Alive Services approaches this problem from a stewardship perspective: not only does wildfire risk reduction protect us, it is another task that is necessary to complete for the health and vitality of our surrounding landscape for which we are responsible.

To reduce the risk, a land owner should be concerned with wildfire ignition, spread and intensity. A comprehensive plan needs to include the removal and consolidation or disposal of fuels, active forest management, and planting and protection of fire-resistant native species.

When combined with other stewardship activities, wildfire risk reduction can have a positive ecological effect, sequestering carbon, nutrients and water, increasing the amount of sunlight that reaches the forest floor, and creating a more beautiful and complex landscape.

This private land on Salt Spring had a large amount of small dead and dying fir trees, with a high ignition risk due to its proximity to trails. Wildfire fuels were consolidated to create this dense pile, with larger pieces on top. In the fall maple trees will be planted around the pile. In the span of a few years this pile will become rotted, holding moisture on the landscape and providing habitat for fungus, insects and small mammals.

Christopher Drake, MSc (Ecology) – Owner/operator

Cell (call or text): 250-221-1342

Email: drake@coastaliveservices

Address: 144 Graham Drive, Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 1J5

Website last updated: May 2022

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