Wildlife Habitat Enhancement

Enhancing wildlife habitat is one of the most enjoyable stewardship activities as it brings such delightful results. All creatures need the basics of survival (food, water, shelter to raise young, protection from predators) and if a landowner can provide some or all of them then the creatures will often come.

Perhaps most important are the insects, since their populations are the foundation of animal diversity and abundance. For example, all nine bat species on Salt Spring Island are insectivores. Coast Alive works on the principle that a more diverse and healthy native plant landscape leads to increased heterogeneity, and more niches for insects and their predators.

Chris Drake, owner of Coast Alive Services, putting up a maternity bat box on a large cottonwood tree by Blackburn Lake on Salt Spring Island. This bat box is custom made for the local species, and part of a larger BC bat conservation program.

Western screech owl boxes made and installed by Coast Alive for the Salt Spring Island Conservancy. Ornithologists have documented recent use of these boxes by the red-listed owl.

Build it and they will come! This swallow nest box, built to ornithological specifications using recycled materials, was occupied within 2 minutes of being installed above a garage, and has had one or two bird families every year since.

Christopher Drake, MSc (Ecology) – Owner/operator

Cell (call or text): 250-221-1342

Email: drake@coastaliveservices

Address: 144 Graham Drive, Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 1J5

Website last updated: May 2022

Thankful to operate on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast and Straits Salish people, the original stewards of this land.

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